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Auditing IT Dependent Risks in ERP Systems: A Foundation for Financial and IT Auditors
Session INTRO-1 Instructor Introduction (0:50)
Session INTRO-2 Course Introduction (0:56)
Session INTRO-3 Pre-Requisites (1:29)
Session INTRO-4 Course Agenda (0:45)
Session INTRO-5 Downloadable Slides & Notes PDFs
Content Sessions
Session 1-1 ERP Types (1:13)
Session 1-2 Understanding ERP (2:01)
Session 1-3 Procure to Pay Example (1:44)
Session 1-4 Financial Significant Transactions (2:11)
Session 1-5 Audit Around the System (2:16)
Session 1-6 Review RACM Manual (1:30)
Session 1-7 Inherent IT Application Controls (1:30)
Session 1-8 ITACs (3:45)
Session 1-9 Financial Close Introduction (0:11)
Session 1-10 JE Risks (2:34)
Session 1-11 Procure to Pay Introduction (0:21)
Session 1-12 Procure to Pay Risks (3:18)
Session 1-13 Procure to Pay Flow (3:07)
Session 1-14 Purchase Orders Without Requisitions (10:28)
Session 1-15 Invoices Without Purchase Orders (6:29)
Session 1-16 Override AP Workflow (6:18)
Session 1-17 Release Hold (4:46)
Session 1-18 Order to Cash Introduction (0:37)
Session 1-19 Order to Cash Flow (5:39)
Session 1-20 Sales Without Shipment (7:14)
Session 1-21 Sales Orders Without Credit Checks (1:55)
Session 1-22 AR Invoices Without Sales Orders (3:29)
Session 1-23 ITGC Introduction (1:18)
Session 1-24 Ability to Modify, Suspend or Disable a Workflow (9:34)
Session 1-25 Disabling Logs (3:19)
Session 1-26 Manual Interfaces and Importing of Data (5:14)
Session 1-27 Customizations Not Being Considered (4:42)
Session 1-28 SQL Injections (6:25)
Session CONCLUSION-1 Concluding Remarks (0:50)
Session CONCLUSION-2 Intellectual Property Reminder (0:21)
Session CONCLUSION-3 Final Assessment
Session CONCLUSION-4 Course Feedback Survey
Session 1-23 ITGC Introduction
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